This prints a good tone range, but rather dark. Color Management - Color Controls, Gamma 2.2, Color Mode Epson Vivid Polar Matte Paper: Use all six black cartridges from the UT-14 set. Paper: Red River Arctic Polar Gloss and Polar Matte

Inks: B&W - MIS UT-14, Color - MIS standard color inks I found the following settings to work quite well and would like to share them with others as well as get additional feedback from others who are venturing down the same road. In particular, glossy prints are difficult to do as you need a custom ICC and I've not worked out the process for developing these. Paul Roark has developed a set of instructions for using this combination, which are good but over my head in a number of areas.

I have been wrestling with using the MIS UT-14 black and white ink set on the Epson 1400 Claria printer.